
Abbaye de Daoulas, Daoulas (FR)   16 June 2016 - 31 December 2016

Bonne fortune et mauvais sort

Intended as an exploration of our representations of an uncertain present and future, this exhibition invites us to question our own viewpoints on rationality and belief

Curator : Marianne Dilasser

Clairvoyants, diviners, card-readers, and witches: all of these words invariably conjure up images of Épinal Prints (coloured picture prints on popular subjects sold in France in the 19th century), from the witches of the Middle Ages to the marabouts of Africa. However, so-called magical practices have not entirely disappeared from France, whether towns or countryside. The Abbaye de Daoulas has teamed up with the Mucem (Marseille) and offers visitors a fascinating look at magic and witchcraft in our contemporary societies.


Work on loan

Figurine d'envoûtement
Ier siècle avant J.-C. - IIe siècle après J.-C.