Cité du Vin, Bordeaux (FR) 10 April 2021 - 7 November 2021
Boire avec les dieux
Produced by the Foundation for Wine Culture and Civilisations alongside Jean-Yves Marin, and Isabelle Tassignon, exhibition curators, Drinking with the gods presents around sixty antique works and three monumental creations specially designed for the exhibition by street artists. Through a journey marked out by contemporary sound and visual effects, Drinking with the gods highlights the close ties established by Graeco-Roman civilisation between wine, gods and men and lets us discover the many faces of Dionysus, the chief god of wine - called Bacchus in Rome -, and the wealth of rituals associated with him.
Curators : Jean-Yves Marin et Isabelle Tassignon
For its new temporary exhibition, the Cité du Vin explores Antiquity and traces the evolution of wine’s role in Graeco-Roman civilisation. The exhibition aims to reveal the links established between wine, gods and men.
The divine nectar, wine, is also the drink of earthly banquets shared by men eager to get closer to the gods. Foremost among them is Dionysus, born of the love of Zeus and a mortal. This strange and crazy god, sometimes gentle, sometimes terrible, gives the vine to the men who welcome him and teaches them the art of drinking wine at the banquet, the Greek symposion.
Over sixty works (ceramics, sculptures, paintings) produced by the greatest artists of their time, including special loans from the Louvre Museum, the National Archaeological Museum of Athens and the Gandur Foundation for Art, will reveal the mythology linked to wine and its ritual consumption during ancient festivals and banquet
The exhibition aims to offer a living reading of Antiquity, revealing all that is currently known about this period and its imprint on our modern society. It is in this spirit that contemporary artists have been entrusted with the creation of monumental installations, to nurture a rich dialogue with the ancient works. The street artists chosen share a common visual language with the artists of Antiquity, allowing the evocation of some major myths from this period that have rarely been represented in art.

Esplanade de Pontac, 134 quai de Bacalan
33300 Bordeaux, FRANCE
See on Google Maps
Free admission under 16 yo
Adults : CHF 10
Students, AVS, AI, unemployed : CHF 8
More details on the Cité du Vin website
Artworks in focus
March 2020 Archaeology
Acting the satyr in a hairy bodysuit
On the occasion of the exhibition Drinking with the gods which will take place from the 9th April to the 30th August 2020 at the Cité du Vin in Bordeaux, the Fondation Gandur pour l’Art will lend twenty masterpieces of its classical archaeology collection. On the list: wine and inebriation, Dionysus and, of course, Greek and Roman mythology. The perfect occasion to introduce this venerable statue, which will take us from Sicily to Asia Minor, leaving the Dionysiac vineyards for the stages of the ancient theatre …
Revue de presse
Works on loan

Panneau de sarcophage représentant la bataille des Lapithes contre les Centaures
Milieu IIe - milieu IIIe siècle après J.-C.