MUSÉE D’ART ET D'HISTOIRE, GENEVA (CH) 4 December 2015 - 1 October 2017
Dead Line. Mosset, Barré, Tinguely
The MAH and the Fondation Gandur pour l’Art create a dialogue between their collections through the medium of the artworks of Olivier Mosset, Martin Barré and Jean Tinguely
Organization : Justine Moeckli and Eveline Notter
If the layout of this exhibition fosters a dialogue between the two collections, that of the MAH (Mosset, Tinguely) and the FGA (Barré, Tinguely), it also raises questions about the relationships between painting and third dimensionality, the limits of an artwork, the use of the line (horizontal, vertical, curved, broken, parallel, infinite, the horizon, vanishing point, etc.), through an ensemble of formal echoes. The title, ‘Dead Line’, borrowed from one of Olivier Mosset’s paintings hints at the necessity of exploring this notion of continuity.