Heart: Herning Museum of Contemporary Art, Herning, Danemark 24 May 2024 - 24 November 2024
Socle du Monde
Do it
The Fondation Gandur pour l’Art is lending twenty works by artists of the New Realism movement to the HEART – Herning Museum of Contemporary Art from May 24 to November 24, 2024, for the first exhibition of this group in Denmark.
Curator: Tijs Visser
The HEART – Herning Museum of Contemporary Art in Denmark presents the 9th edition of its art festival, Socle du Monde. This year’s theme is upcycling with around 70 Danish and international artists participating.
On this occasion, Socle du Monde features a retrospective of artists of the New Realism movement, presenting them as pioneers of upcycling before it became a known concept. Emphasizing their “collective singularity”, the group describes their work as “new perceptual approaches to reality”, achieved by tearing, accumulating, or compressing everyday objects, symbols of an expanding consumer society.
The Fondation Gandur pour l’Art is pleased to contribute to this exhibition by lending twenty emblematic works by Arman, César, Deschamps, Dufrêne, Hains, Raysse, Spoerri, Tinguely, and de Saint-Phalle. These works include a compressed car and preserved leftovers of meals.

Bitten & Aage Damgaards Plads 2
7400 Herning
Works on loan
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