Laténium, Hauterive-Neuchâtel (CH) 23 October 2009 - 30 May 2010
Du Nil à Alexandrie
For a duration of seven months, the Laténium in Hauterive plays host to an exhibition devoted to the uses of water in Alexandria and Egypt from ancient times to the present day
Scientific curator : Isabelle Hairy
Curators : Jean-Yves Empereur and Denis Ramseyer
Coming from Alexandria itself or from the Nile Valley, all of the objects presented here are closely related to the exhibition’s theme of water. Alongside thirty or so original archaeological pieces (statuettes, figurines, wooden sculptures, painted and carved stelae, ceramics, etc.), various documents such as engravings, maps and postcards provide fascinating details on the history of the city.
The exhibition not only highlights water management in the Alexandrian era, but also provides an insight into the importance of the waters of the river Nile in the society, culture and religion of ancient Egypt.