MUSÉE D'ART CONTEMPORAIN DE LYON, LYON (FR) 3 October 2014 - 22 February 2015
Erró, Rétrospective
Over 500 artworks selected from public and private collections in Europe and Iceland recount the career and background of this first-rate storyteller of art history
Curators : Thierry Raspail and Danielle Kvaran
Anticipating the continuous and infinite flow of images and information circulating on digital networks, Erró has shown an interest in the profusion of images and their dissemination from the start of his career, and for this has invented forms of storytelling, and unique grids of vocabulary, grammar and rhetoric.
From collages to paintings, Erró has created a kind of visual anti-encyclopaedia, critical of all forms of established knowledge and full of colour; a corpus of work that stands out for its fun, outrageous and ambiguous nature, accessible to all.