Voyages en Égypte. Des Normands au pays des pharaons au XIXe siècle
In 2017, the musée de Normandie presents an exhibition on travel to Egypt in the 19th century. After a historical introduction evoking the ancient appeal of Egyptian civilization, the exhibition focuses on Napoleon Bonaparte's Egyptian expedition and the Description of Egypt, which deeply marked the artistic, scientific and intellectual circles of the time.
edited by alice gandin with the collaboration of juliette sanson
Eternal and fascinating Egypt... The exhibition catalogue of the musée de Normandie aims to show the "French passion" for Egypt and the way in which the gaze evolved during the 19th century, with archaeology, travel stories and the discovery of the Other.
Egypt has bequeathed exceptional remains, monumental splendour, sculptures and timelessly delicate paintings.
The artistic virtuosity of the Pharaonic civilization, the mystery of hieroglyphs, the fantastic character of divinities without forgetting the fascination exercised by the Muslim East, both seductive and frightening, add as much exoticism to this formidable support for the imagination that is Egypt.

MUsée de normandie, CAEN
fage éditions, LYON