École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) (CH) 5 November 2016 - 23 April 2017
Noir, c'est noir ? Les Outrenoirs de Pierre Soulages
Organized jointly by the Fondation Gandur pour l'Art and the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), the exhibition Noir, c’est noir? Les Outrenoirs de Pierre Soulages presents new avenues for the understanding, presentation and conservation of artworks
Artistic Curator: Eveline Notter
Scientific Co-Curators : Joël Chevrier, Nicolas Henchoz, Mark Pauly and Pierre Vandergheynst
The curatorial project here does not fall within the confines of a traditional exhibition, but rather integrates the specificities of a new building on a university campus, creating the conditions for an innovative convergence of art and science. Five laboratories and several start-ups from EPFL have dedicated their research and technologies to exploring a novel approach to the work of Pierre Soulages, a major figure in abstract painting.
While the French painter has ventured into Outrenoir, that is to say ‘beyond black’, he seeks above all, the light that is revealed through it, thereby, considering light as a material.
With this new confrontation, the exhibition provides an innovative perceptual experience, on the edge of art and science.